
New Identity

It has been a while I did not update my blog. I was quite busy this month, out of town, attending wedding dinners for 3 weeks consecutively. Almost going to declare bankruptcy. Besides, I also need to adapt to new tasks, started from this month. In my previous post, I mentioned that I got a part time tutor job in TARC. This week is the 1st week I start my teaching life there. And of course, the most important task for me throughout this coming 3 years, my PhD life.

 Just want to share (show-off) some evidence of I'm doing my PhD. Haha... The photo taken is not nice, I know, one of the reason, perhaps the only reason, I'm not pretty at all! With this student ID card, I can tell loudly, I'm A Student!

This 'cheap cheap' lanyard is NOT CHEAP at all! It costs me RM5, with this very simple lanyard, printed with the UPM logo, School of Graduate Studies website address, attached with a card holder. What can I do? 



上周末,我们去了KLCC的书展。适逢学校假期,整个书展人山人海,很多大人小孩站累了,就拿了本书,席地而坐,旁若无人地进入书中情境。我们还有幸的近距离看见前首相Tun M. 贤伉俪,还有名主播叶剑锋。由于太多人了,我用最快的速度浏览所展出的书籍,然后,再以最符合个人经济效率的时间与金额,购买了书,然后,带着几乎是‘逃离’的心态,离开了书展。有了精神粮食,就轮到肉体上的粮食需要补充了。


Lime Mojito & 冰绿茶



开斋节假日,去戏院看了3D 卡通片 “CARS 2”。 这是我们第一次观看3D影片哩!过后,去了美式快餐厅Chili's用餐。我第一次到这家餐厅大概是在七年前了。那时,我刚踏入社会工作,薪水少得可怜,这类餐厅对我来说已经可算是高级了。多亏老板不吝啬,带我们一班同事到这里吃午餐慰劳我们。

 我们的前菜: Hot Spinach & Artichoke Dip with chips

 Soup of the day 和主菜: BBQ Beef Spare Ribs
